Monday 12th April 2021
We are over the moon to finally be open after the latest lockdown since January 5th 2021. I suppose you may think that as each lockdown passes they may get easier, but they have come with their challenges as an independent business. Or main priority has been keeping our team safe which they have been whilst furloughed these past 3 months, but all are so excited & eager to be coming back into work
The great news is that we have all had our first vaccines, some of us having the Astra Zeneca, others the Pfizer, with varying side effects which were all short lived. The teams at Pirelli stadium have been pheonomenal as have our wonderful NHS to enable us to be in a position to re-open today.
We have also decorated throughout the store, replaced carpets & have been placing orders for our customers either via email or a telephone call which has proven most effective to help keep the wheels of industry in motion. Who knew that a Whatsapp video call would be the new way to sell a sofa or bed, but we embraced the challenge & offered this as a virtual service to our customers also.
The store has again been deep cleaned & we will continue to maintain our strict sanitising procedures in store, the warehouse & most importantly on the van’s with the drivers being your last point of contact with us as a company.
We look forward to welcoming you all back into the store from today, but if you would like a private appointment, we are still more than happy to offer this outside of our opening hours.
Continue to stay safe, look after one another & take care xx
2nd December 2020
We are delighted to open our doors to you all again today in line with current Government guidance. The store has undergone a deep clean in preparation for todays opening & the team are all here, feeling very well & are looking forward to seeing you to discuss your furniture needs.
We currently have stock of many clearance items ready for immediate delivery, please see our clearance page for more information, or call into store & safely try for yourself, we will happily advise you what is ready for express delivery.
Our opening hours will be 9.30 til 5.00 Monday to Saturday, & 10.30 til 4.30 on Sunday.
Whilst we won’t be advertising private appointments, we are still happy to offer this to our customers outside of our opening times.
27th November 2020
Great news, we can officially open from Wednesday 2nd December according to the latest government advice.
Our opening hours will be 9.30 til 5.00 Monday to Saturday, & 10.30 til 4.30 on Sunday.
Whilst we won’t be advertising private appointments, we are still happy to offer this to our customers outside of our opening times.
With Christmas drawing closer, we have stock of many items, all ready for immediate, safe delivery. Please have a look at our clearance page for regular updates.
We would like to take this opportunity once more to thank our customers who in some instances have had to endure extended lead times on their furniture, & for being extremely patient with us, I don’t think any of us realised the enormity of a pandemic.
We very much look forward to seeing you in store soon, and are always here at the end of the phone to take care of any enquiries.
4th November 2020
24th July 2020
Today is the day we have to change our practices within the store a little; according to the latest governement guidelines all customers coming into store are encouraged to wear a face mask to help in the ongoing fight against Covid-19. To help matters, we do have a small supply of disposable face masks available at the front doors to help yourselves to. We would like to take this opportunity of thanking all of our customers for the continued support over the last few months, your patience in awaiting your furniture with longer than expected lead times has been most appreciated, thank you x
Stay safe, and remember wearing is caring
5th June 2020
From Saturday 6th June we will be officially open. The daily hours for general, safe shopping will be between 10.00am & 16.00. Outside of these hours we will continue to offer private shopping appointments, available by calling us on 01283 539260 or emailing us at
We have been busy over the last few weeks preparing to open, and have followed both the Government and the British Retail Consortium guidelines. We would like to reassure you that we will continue to maintain our high standards within the store & on delivering your furniture into your home. The measures we have taken are as follows:
- Thorough cleaning of our store & vehicles.
- During the first few weeks of opening, we will be operating reduced staffing in store, so please be patient with us whilst we tend to everyone’s requirements. All staff are in good health
- We will only be allowing up to 10 customers in the store at any one time. Due to the size of the store, we can safely manage this. We would appreciate it that if necessary, we may ask you to remain in your car until we advise you to enter the store, or alternatively, you may wish to book one of the appointments available each day.
- Hand sanitisers stations available throughout the store, warehouse & in the delivery vehicles.
- All touch pads, door handles, hand rails etc regularly cleaned with appropriate sanitising products.
- Disposable pillow cases are available on all beds when trying,
- All furniture is sanitised with a safe, and industry recognised spray sanitiser pre & post customers trialling the furniture. We understand the need to try furniture, and will help in any way we can.
- Sneeze screens are placed at point of sale stations to protect both customers & staff.
- We have in place an effective sanitising procedure for taking card payments which will be discussed with our customers on taking payments.
- All drivers will be carrying hand sanitiser, & wearing the appropriate protective clothing for the safety of our customers & the drivers themselves.
- Drivers will ask which room you would like your furniture in, and then ask you to leave the room and maintain a safe 2 metre distance at all times.
- Drivers will offer sanitisation of furniture once in the designated room, which is a safe process to undertake, suitable for all soft fabrics & leather also.
Whilst we have outlined to the best of our ability our guidelines, these may be subject to change.
We hope to see you soon,
Take care, The Coytes Team
22nd May 2020
We are pleased to offer exclusive shopping apointments to our customers. If you would like to take advantage of having the store to yourself, then please call us on 01283 539260 or email us at to book your personal appointment. It is only Dave & Hannah currently in store, both of whom have a wealth of knowledge in the furniture industry, and will be happy to answer any of your questions. Strict social distancing & hygiene policies are in place, hand sanitising is available as well as disposable pillow cases for trying the beds, plus frequent disinfecting of the air around the shop. All touchpads & hard surfaces are regularly sanitised also. If you are happy to wait, we will be open from Monday 1st June from 10.30 until 16.30. Outside these hours we will be offering one hour exclusive shopping appointments either 8.30 til 9.30, 9.30 til 10.30, 16.30 til 17.30 & 17.30 til 18.30. Just drop us a line and we will happily schedule your appointment for you.
18th May 2020
We are actively preparing for the store to re-open in a few weeks and will keep you all updated with how we are progressing and what procedures we have in place for both in the store, and for our deliveries. Keep checking back for more updates over the following weeks.
In the meantime stay safe & take care, and if we can help in any way with your enquiries, please either call us on 01283 539260 or email us at